Credit Unions Vote
Your vote improves financial well-being for all.
Credit unions fight to protect their members. In America, an estimated 167 million people struggle with their finances. As not-for-profit financial cooperatives, credit unions have a mission to advance our communities and provide the opportunity for millions across the country to achieve financial well-being.rnrn rnrnA vote for credit union candidates is a vote for financial well-being for all. Register to vote today.
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One in three people in America belongs to a credit union, and 44% of all registered voters are credit union members. Founded with a democratic one-member-one-vote structure, America’s credit unions empower you to have a leadership stake in your community’s financial future. Turning out to vote on election day is another way for you to protect your credit union and advance your community.

At a time when more communities face banking deserts and uncertain financial futures, it’s more important than ever that Congress recognize and preserve the role that credit unions play in our economy. Electing candidates who recognize and support our mission is the surest way to maintain and grow the ability of credit unions to serve Main Streets from Florida to Alaska.rnrnJoin us and remind Washington that credit unions vote.
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